Wednesday 27 March 2013

How did the Nazis persecute the Jews?

From 1933-38…

1933 was the beginning of the persecution of Jews in the sense that things were happening to them and changing in their lives. They were not allowed to do many things; they even had to sit on benches especially for Jews. If they did not follow these new rules they would be punished (usually violently). Jewish stores were boycotted and Jews were only allowed in certain stores. This was the initial start of the separation.

In 1934-35 all Jews were forbidden from joining the army and Jewish children were made to go to all Jew schools. This is a huge separation and specifically at this time German boys and girls were made to go to Hitler youth and BDM. This made German children doubly aware of the propaganda about the Jewish people. These children were fed lies so that when they grow up they will be Aryan and potentially Nazis.

In 1936 it was the berlin Olympic Games and was Hitler’s time to show off his country. He made many speeches and changed the appearance of Germany by putting up Nazi flag everywhere and speakers playing pro Nazi speeches and announcements.

1937 was the year Hitler made his speech about his feelings on Jews and other non-Aryan people. ‘This is probably the first time and this is the first country in which people are being taught to realize that, of all the tasks which we have to face, the noblest and most sacred for mankind is that each racial species must preserve the purity of the blood which God has given it’ this quote shows his desire for Germany, the rest of Europe and the world to be ‘pure’. After his speech the crowd cheered and appeared to agree with all that he has said.

1938 was when all Jews had to register their belongings. This was made less unusual by the anti-sematic propaganda being taken down; this also made Jews feel less uneasy about the unusual request.

From 1939-42 and what were the conditions like in the ghettos?

Jews were made to move into ghettos. These were for only Jews and the other people the Nazi’s wanted to separate from the Aryan population of Germany. These ghettos were surrounded by brick walls and fences, anyone who tried to escape would be killed. Food was scarce and jobs were the same. Many people lost all their money when buying overpriced food, some people threw food over the wall but were punished

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